Mahima 2024 | Maha Ganapati Temple of Arizona
Regular Events
Mahima 2024 is a grand musical evening by Veena Maestro Rajhesh Vaidya and Orchestra. All proceeds of this concert benefit the new construction projects of Maha Ganapati Temple of

2 Spectacular Garba Nights and Vendor Mela
Regular Events
We are bringing not one but two nights of exciting and full of energy Garba to the heart of East Valley. Come enjoy the below during our Garba Nights and Vendor Mela: Garba Nights

Navaratri Celebrations | GCA
For years, the Gujarati Cultural Association's Annual Navratri Garba and Dandiya has been the most anticipated and beloved event in the Valley. It's a celebration that brings

Dandiya Navratri Beats
Join us for a vibrant Diwali Expo with free entry! Enjoy a day packed with fun, shopping, stunning dance performances, fashion shows, and lively acts, featuring a wide variety of

Software can predict your looks with different hair stylesNew York, July 23 (AZINS) A new imaging software can not only predict how you will look with different hair styles, colours and appearances but can also help find a missing child or someove evading the law.

Called Dreambit, the software has been developed by researchers from the University of Washington, Seattle.

It draws on previous research conducted at the university and elsewhere in facial processing, recognition, 3D reconstruction and age progression, combining those algorithms in a unique way to create the blended images.

After uploading an input photo, you type in a search term such as "curly hair," "India" or "1930s."

The software's algorithms mine internet photo collections for similar images in that category and seamlessly map the person's face onto the results.

The software can also help show what a missing child or person evading the law might look like if their appearance has been purposefully disguised or even how they would look at an advanced age if years have passed.

"With missing children, people often dye their hair or change the style so age-progressing just their face isn't enough. This is a first step in trying to imagine how a missing person's appearance might change over time," said developer Ira Kemelmacher-Shlizerman.

Initial results will be presented at SIGGRAPH 2016, the world's largest annual conference on computer graphics and interactive techniques to be held in Anaheim, California, from July 24 to 28.

The software may publicly be available later this year.